BioHarmonic Technology

Our VIBE System is a full-body audio sensory experience that gives you access to the most primal levels of your nervous system and human physiology. Creating access to easily relax, meditate, activate, detoxify, transform, restore, recover, balance, ground, release, and harmonize humanity using sound, light, frequency, and vibration.
The Founder of Bioharmonic Technologies, Dr. Steven Schwartz, has been specializing in the treatment and management of chronic illness, allergies, chronic pain and inflammatory conditions using Energy-based techniques and technologies since 2000. He has been creating therapeutic music, called Sonic-ceuticals, since 2007, designing biofeedback systems, and working with Vibroacoustic technology since 2010. We enjoy reading about his hyper-focus on reversing aging and degeneration using sound, light frequency, and vibration.
Quantum Rejuvenation as a team value advancements in technologies and we love to create unique transformative experiences which is why we partnered with the creators of this amazing technology to treat you and your loved ones 1-on-1 & we also offer these technologies for personal use! Click here for purchasing information.
One of the greatest benefits that a person feels from sound therapy is relief from stress.
- Relief From Stress
- Decreased Anxiety and Depression
- Supports Better Sleep
- Fewer Headaches
- Higher Energy Levels
- Improved Mental Focus and Memory
- Optimized Performance and Organization Skills
- Heightened Creativity and Imagination
- Reduced Blood Pressure
- Pain Reduction
- Lower Cholesterol
- Decreased Risk of Heart Disease and Stroke
- Release Shock & Traumas Stored in Cellular Memory
- Release Shock & Traumas Stored in Cellular Memory
- Boost Immune System
Reach your deepest relaxation state quickly, as VIBE therapy treatments quiet the mind for easier & deeper meditations.